Saturday, September 3, 2011

Mental vs Physical Age Video

This video is about how the guy making it has always felt maybe 6 years behind his peers, mentally... and when he turned 17 or so and had to go "out in the world" he started acting much older, like someone in their 50's, and people online would think he was older. Now he feels "young" again but still 6 years behind--go watch, it's good.

I identify with this so much. People always think I am very much older or younger than I am... people thought I was older when I was a teenager although I felt younger inside. Now people who meet me think I'm younger (at school people think I am maybe 20-21 when I am almost 30) and online people have always thought I was older--but inside I feel like I stopped at around 15 and had to become very much older and now I'm picking up my development again! So I feel maybe 16 or so inside now... I wonder if I'll always be 14 years behind...

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